In this issue:
Rural Women-to-Women exCHANGEs
Inter Pares works with farmers’ and rural women’s organizations that practice agroecology and through alliances, are building local and sustainable food systems. Inter Pares organized a series of four exchanges that brought together farmers and rural women leaders from Canada, the West African biodiversity coalition COPAGEN, and the Deccan Development Society (DDS) in India. In February 2017, staff members Samantha McGavin and Eric Chaurette travelled to Telangana State in India for the latest of these exchanges.
Buildind solidarity one conversation at a time
Raising awareness of other realities, learning from others’ experiences, deepening our solidarity ... this is what Inter Pares seeks to do through our public engagement.Sharing stories inspires us to rethink our efforts and refocus our contribution to these long-term struggles.
Inter Pares staff are co-managers, but we also all consider ourselves fundraisers. Our counterparts’ crucial work costs money – so generating financial support in Canada is an important role we can all play in creating change worldwide.