Since our founding, we have sought to understand our role as an anti-colonial organization in a sector with deep colonial roots. We look not only at North-South relations, but also at our role closer to home. It seems that – for all of us – 2021 in particular was a year of reflection and learning about the reality of Indigenous rights in the land now called Canada.
In 2021, in addition to honouring the victims of "residential schools" and observing the first National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, Inter Pares released our Action Plan for Working in Solidarity with Indigenous Peoples in Canada. This plan is the result of reflections on the impacts of colonialism and how we contribute to perpetuating injustices against Indigenous peoples. It expresses our commitment to support Indigenous movements defending their rights.
We have seen this awareness flourish in many places, including among many of our counterparts. Inter Pares is particularly proud to support the Indigenous Solidarity Working Group of our counterpart, the National Farmers Union (NFU). In 2021, the group held a series of learning sessions on a variety of topics, including Indigenous food sovereignty, residential schools and the land back movement. In collaboration with Indigenous leaders, the NFU is also exploring how to do more to turn learning into action and political change.
Both the NFU and Inter Pares are going through profound moments of internal transformation as our solidarity must be reflected right here in our organization, our team and our local work.
We look forward to sharing our ongoing learning with you. For more information, you can find our report here: