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Envisioning the New Normal


Months after a global pandemic exposed cracks in our systems, a question hangs in the air: what will the new normal look like? COVID-19 disproportionately impacted marginalized peoples, making clear that normal as we knew it benefitted very few. Let’s not return to systems that sacrifice people for power, political gain and corporate profit.

The opportunity has arrived to rebuild systems and create a new normal that ensures justice and equality, that is people-focused and rooted in the expertise of local communities. For 45 years, Inter Pares’ counterparts and allies have been putting pieces into place to support these new systems. Their actions, analysis and vision offer a roadmap towards a more equal future.

Our November Bulletin, informed by the thoughts and experiences of our community, shares a vision for a new normal that promotes health, economic justice, gender justice and food sovereignty. May it offer guidance as we work to build a more just and equal world.

What's inside...

Reimagining Healthcare In Canada and Around the World

Pauline Worsfold, a frontline nurse, and Secretary-Treasurer of the Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions and Chairperson of the Canadian Health Coalition, reflects on a post-COVID transformation for healthcare.

Violence, Discrimination and Inequalities: Revealing flaws in the system

In the global North and South, the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated inequalities and caused an increase in physical, structural and economic violence experienced by women. Amanda Dale, Chair of the Inter Pares Board of Directors, considers how organizations like Inter Pares counterpart La Colectiva Feminista are supporting women impacted during the pandemic.

What’s taxation got to do with it?

Together with the Global Alliance for Tax Justice, Tax Justice Network Africa, Canadians for Tax Fairness and Queen’s University, Inter Pares is supporting Ghanaian civil society’s efforts to generate solid evidence-based tax options that address gender and income inequalities and poverty, stabilize the economy, and produce tax revenues that can fund the social and physical infrastructure for a better future.

Building Resilient and Just Food Systems

The COVID-19 pandemic has led to massive loss of life and livelihoods. In its wake, global hunger is expected to double by year’s end. The pandemic has revealed deep inequalities in our societies and the vulnerabilities of a globalized and heavily concentrated food system that needs to change. Read about how Inter Pares and our counterparts have worked to build more resilient and just food systems.

Resource Type: 
Date Published: 
Thursday, November 5, 2020
Related Issue: 
Women's Rights & Gender JusticeControl Over ResourcesEconomic JusticeFood Sovereignty
Related Region: 
AfricaGhanaCanadaLatin AmericaEl Salvador
Related Counterpart: 
La Colectiva Feminista para el Desarrollo Local Canadian Health CoalitionTiniguenaDeccan Development Society (DDS)
File Download: 
PDF iconEnvisioning the New Normal November 2020 Bulletin

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