2018, the year I joined the Inter Pares Board of Directors, was a demanding but fulfilling year.
Demanding, because to accompany and effectively uphold the mission of Inter Pares and its support of organizations and social movements struggling courageously against injustice and discrimination, requires significant mobilization of resources, and accountability. We operate in a context of deepening humanitarian and environmental crises, shrinking civic space, and the rise of right-wing populism. All of this impacts our collective social justice action defending the rights of vulnerable people. Despite this context, the work of Inter Pares’ counterparts in 2018 was remarkable.
Fulfilling, because Inter Pares was able to participate in and help move forward promising initiatives, including pursuing additional program funding for our work on sexual and reproductive health and rights, participating in the W7 international forum in Ottawa, advocating for strong Canadian foreign policy in response to the Rohingya crisis, and supporting organizations that defend the rights of LGBTI groups, among others.
Looking back on 2018 I want to honour and recognize the quality and engagement of Inter Pares staff and board. This is a group of people with diverse experiences who truly demonstrate their commitment and solidarity.
They make me proud to be part of the board as together we advance Inter Pares’ mission of globalizing equality.